Check the tabs below to see if you have any of the cards on my need list. This is a constantly-changing list, not only for the Jagr cards I am looking for, but of random sets I decide to build or finish (sometimes years after release, like the 98-99 UD3).
Jaromir Jagr cards
(I am usually interested in some of the /100 or less 90s cards as well, so let me know what you have!)
1994-95 Topps Finest Bowman's Best Refractor #20
1995-96 Donruss Elite Cutting Edge #6 /2500
1995-96 Donruss Elite Die Cuts #35 /500
1995-96 Leaf Road to the Cup #3 /5000
1995-96 Leaf Limited Stars of the Game #8 /5000
1995-96 Metal Heavy Metal #6
1995-96 SP Holoviews Special FX Die-Cut #18
1996-97 Donruss Elite Die-Cut Stars #8
1996-97 Donruss Press Proof #43
1996-97 Donruss Go Top Shelf #5 /2000
1996-97 Flair Blue Ice #B77 /250
1996-97 Leaf Metal Universe Lethal Weapons Super Power #8
1996-97 Summit High Voltage #15 /1500
1996-97 Summit High Voltage Mirage #15 /600
1996-97 UD Black Diamond Gold #75
1996-97 UD Black Diamond Run for the Cup #RC5 /100
1997-98 Donruss Elite Inserts #2 /2500
1997-98 Donruss Elite Craftsmen #25 /2500
1997-98 Donruss Elite Master Craftsmen #25 /100
1997-98 Donruss Elite Status #11 /100
1997-98 Donruss Elite Status #125 /100
1997-98 Donruss Line 2 Line Die Cut #16 /250
1997-98 Leaf Banner Season #4 /3500
1997-98 SPx Grand Finale #42 /50
1997-98 UD Ice Champions 2 Die Cuts IC18 /100
1997-98 UD Black Diamond Quad #72 /50
1997-98 Zenith Z-Gold #31 /100
1998-99 UD Black Diamond Quadruple #69 /100
1998-99 Topps Mystery Finest Gold Refractors #M8
1998-99 Topps Finest Centurions Refractors C13 /75
1998-99 Topps Finest Red Light Refractors #R1
1998-99 SPx Finite Radiance #174 /540 LL
1998-99 SPx Finite Spectrum #94 /225 GI
1998-99 SPx Finite Spectrum #165 /25 MP
1998-99 SPx Top Prospects Radiance #49 /100
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black #5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Red #5 (/100)
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Black #5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Red #5 (/50)
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Black #5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Red #5 (/25)
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Goal Race '99 #GR5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Goal Race '99 Black #GR5
1998-99 Topps Gold Label Goal Race '99 Red #GR5 (/92)
1998-99 UD Choice Starquest Gold #SQ16 /100
1998-99 UD MVP Super Script #163 /25
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #15
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black #15
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Red #15 (/100)
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #15
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Black #15
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Red #15 (/50)
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #15
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Black #15
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Red #15 (/25)
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Prime Gold #PG4
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Prime Gold Black #PG4
1999-00 Topps Gold Label Prime Gold Red #PG4 (/25)
1999-00 Topps Stadium Club Capture the Action Game View #CAG26 /100
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #14
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold #14 (/399)
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #14
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Gold #14 (/299)
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #14
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Gold #14 (/199)
2000-01 Topps Gold Label Golden Greats #GG3
2000-01 Topps Stadium Club Beam Team #BT6 /500
2000-01 Topps Stadium Club Capture the Action Game View #CAGV1 /100
2003-04 Bowman Chrome Xfractor #68 /150
2003-04 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractor #68 /50
2003-04 UD A Piece of History 500 Goal Club jersey/auto #500-JJA /25
2006-07 UD Game Dated Moments #GD6
2008-09 Fleer Ultra EX Jambalaya #JAM-18
2012-13 Fleer Retro E-X 2001 Essential Credentials Now #35 /35
2012-13 Fleer Retro E-X 2001 Essential Credentials Future #35 /8
2012-13 Fleer Retro Flair Showcase Row 2 #7
2012-13 Fleer Retro Flair Showcase Row 2 Legacy Collection #7
2012-13 Fleer Retro Flair Showcase Row 2 Legacy Collection Masterpiece #7 1/1
2012-13 Fleer Retro Tradition Electrifying #13
2012-13 Fleer Retro Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Red #49 /100
2012-13 Fleer Retro Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Blue #49 /50
2012-13 Fleer Retro Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Green #49 /10
2014-15 Fleer Ultra Platinum Medallion #108 /99
2014-15 Fleer Ultra EX #3
2014-15 Fleer Ultra Essential Credentials Future #3 /40
2014-15 Fleer Ultra Essential Credentials Now #3 /3
2014-15 Fleer Ultra Photo Vault Film Slide #PV-JJ (white jersey, no helmet)
2014-15 Fleer Ultra Photo Vault Film Slide Autographs #PVJJ /10
2014-15 UD The Cup Auto Legendary Gear (booklet) #ALG-JJ /5
2015-16 SP Authentic Sign of the Times Inscriptions #SOTT-JJ /10
2015-16 UD Premier Mega Patch Commemorative Logos #PMP-JJ 1/4 and 4/4
2015-16 UD Canvas Achievements (epack) #CHL1
2016-17 Fleer Showcase White Hot #44 /25
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe #MU19
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Blue #MU19 /50
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Green #MU19 /10
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Purple #MU19 /5
2016-17 UD Premier Mega Patch Shoulder Logo #PMP-JJ 6/6 (part of the flag)
2016-17 UD The Cup Auto Pro Gear (booklet) #APG-JJ (/12)
2017-18 SP Authentic (inserted into 19-20 SPA) Limited Black Auto #65 (probably only 5 made)
2018-19 UD Jagr Years Patches /10 #JJ-20 (Devils) and #JJ-23 (Panthers)
2018-19 UD Exquisite (inserted into 19-20 UD Ice) Exquisite Auto Patches EMS-JJ (/10)
2018-19 UD Premier 2002-03 Tribute Auto Patch Gold #SRV-JJ /5
2018-19 UD The Cup Auto Ticket Booklets #TB-JJ /11
Also looking for any "Letter" cards, such as SP Game Used By the Letter, Superlative Nameplates, Panini Prime Genuine Marks, and so on (just no manufactured ones like DDMs).
Sebastian Aho cards
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Red Glow Auto #163 (/49)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase White Hot Auto #163 (/15)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Hot Prospects Auto Patch #163 (/135)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Hot Prospects Auto Patch White Hot #163 (/10)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase E-X2017 Essential Credentials Future #23 (/20)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Blue Ice #41 (/199)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Blue Ice Masterpiece #41 (1/1)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Red #MU-33 (/150)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Blue #MU-33 (/50)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Green #MU-33 (/10)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Purple #MU-33 (/5)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase SkyBox Premium Prospects Sparkling Diamonds #S7 (/5)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Ultra Rookies Platinum Medallion #U7 (/99)
2016-17 Fleer Showcase Ultra Rookies Violet Medallion #U7 (/25)
2016-17 OPC Black Rainbow Foil #687 (/100)
2016-17 OPC Red Border #687
2016-17 OPC Retro Blank Backs #687
2016-17 OPC Platinum Red Prism #173 (/199)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Royal Blue Cubes #173 (/99)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Seismic Gold #173 (/50)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rainbow Orange #173 (/25)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Emerald Surge #173 (/10)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #173 (1/1)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rookie Auto Rainbow #R-SA
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rookie Auto Red Prism #R-SA (/50)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rookie Auto Seismic Gold #R-SA (/25)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rookie Auto Orange Rainbow #R-SA (/15)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rookie Auto Emerald Surge #R-SA (/10)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Rookie Auto Golden Treasures #R-SA (1/1)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow Orange #R-82 (/49)
2016-17 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow Orange #R-82 (/15)
2016-17 SP Authentic Future Watch Auto #158 (/999)
2016-17 SP Authentic Future Watch Auto Black #158
2016-17 SP Authentic Limited Patch Auto #158 (/100)
2016-17 SP Authentic Spectrum FX Gold #S-78 (/50)
2016-17 SP Game Used #136 (/20)
2016-17 SP Game Used Black Rainbow (ePack) #136
2016-17 SP Game Used Green Snow Storm #136 (1/1)
2016-17 SPx Rookies Orange Patch #R-SA (/15)
2016-17 SPx Rookies Black Tag Auto #R-SA (/5)
2016-17 SPx Extreme Black Holo Shield Auto #EB-SA
2016-17 UD Acetate #210 (inserted into 16-17 SPA)
2016-17 UD Clear Cut #210
2016-17 UD Exclusives #210 (/100)
2016-17 UD Exclusives Spectrum #210 (/10)
2016-17 UD Foil #210
2016-17 UD Rainbow Foil #210
2016-17 UD Parkhurst Rookies Blue #PR-4
2016-17 UD Parkhurst Rookies Red #PR-4
2016-17 UD Portraits Gold #P-101 (/99)
2016-17 UD Portraits Platinum Blue #P-101 (/25)
2016-17 UD Artifacts #RED186 (/799)
2016-17 UD Artifacts Emerald #RED186 (/99)
2016-17 UD Black Lustrous Rookies Black and Blue Spectrum Auto #50 (/5)
2016-17 UD Black Rookie Trademarks Auto Relics #RTR-SA (/40)
2016-17 UD Black Rookie Trademarks Auto Relics Premium #RTR-SA (/15)
2016-17 UD Black Diamond Rookie Gems Single #BDR-SA (/99)
2016-17 UD Black Diamond Rookie Gems Pure Black #BDR-SA (1/1)
2016-17 UD Compendium Gold #860
2016-17 UD Exquisite Rookie Jersey Auto #68 (/20)
2016-17 UD Exquisite Endorsements Relics #ER-SA (/50)
2016-17 UD Exquisite Rookie Signatures #ERS-SA (/225)
2016-17 UD Exquisite Rookie Signatures Spectrum #ERS-SA (/15)
2016-17 UD Exquisite Rookies #R-SA (/20)
2016-17 UD Exquisite Rookies Spectrum #R-SA (1/1)
2016-17 UD Ice Ice Premieres Level 2 #185 (/249)
2016-17 UD Ice Rookie Relic Jumbo #RRJ-SA (/199)
2016-17 UD Ice Rookie Relic Jumbo Red #RRJ-SA (/15)
2016-17 UD Ice Ice Premieres Auto Patch #IP-SA (/10)
2016-17 UD Ice Superb Script #SS-SA (/49)
2016-17 UD Ice Superb Script Portraits #SSP-SA (/15)
2016-17 UD MVP #369
2016-17 UD Overtime Next in Line Blue #NL-6 (/10)
2016-17 UD Parkhurst Black Border #386
2016-17 UD Premier Rookie Auto Patch Gold Spectrum #66 (/25)
2016-17 UD Premier Rookie Patch Parallel #R-33 (/25)
2016-17 UD Premier Rookie Tag Parallel #R-33 (/3)
2016-17 UD Premier Rookies Platinum Blue Spectrum Auto #R-33 (1/1)
2016-17 UD Premier Rookies Premier Gear Spectrum #RPG-SA (/3)
2016-17 UD Premier 03-04 Tribute Rookies Auto Patch Gold #SSR-SA (/15)
2016-17 UD The Cup Rookie Auto Patch #106 (/249)
2016-17 UD The Cup Gold Foil Rookie Auto Patch #106 (/24)
2016-17 UD The Cup Red Foil Rookie Auto Tag #106 (/8)
2016-17 UD The Cup Green Foil Button #106 (/3)
2016-17 UD The Cup Black Foil Shield #106 (1/1)
2016-17 UD The Cup 05-06 Rookie Tribute Patch Auto #180-SA (/10)
2016-17 UD Trilogy Uncommon Auto Rookies #92 (/275)
2016-17 UD Trilogy Rare Auto Rookies #125 (/49)
2016-17 UD Trilogy Green Patch #92 (/35)
2016-17 UD Trilogy Green Tag #125 (/5)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Royal red #90 (/6)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Silver Jersey #150 (/249)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Ultimate Rookies Auto #150 (/99)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Ultimate Rookies Gold Patch Auto #150 (/49)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Shield Patch Auto #150 (1/1) (inserted into 17-18 Ult)
2016-17 UD Ultimate 06-07 Retro Rookie Shield Auto #RRA-SA (1/1) (inserted into 17-18 Ult)
2016-17 UD Ultimate 06-07 Retro Rookie Jersey #RRJ-SA (/99)
2016-17 UD Ultimate 06-07 Retro Rookie Patch Auto #RRJ-SA (/25) (inserted into 17-18 Ult)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Signature Material Phenoms Patch Auto #SMP-SA (/65) (inserted into 17-18 Ult)
2016-17 UD Ultimate Shield #SMP-SA (1/1)
2017-18 OPC Rainbow #121
2017-18 OPC Red #121
2017-18 OPC Retro Blank Back #121
2017-18 OPC Platinum #28
2017-18 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #28 (1/1)
2017-18 SP Game Used Green Storm #34 (1/1)
2017-18 SP Game Used Auto 1/1 #34 (1/1)
2017-18 UD Midnight #36 (EXIST?)
2017-18 UD Gold Foil Patch Auto #15 (/8)
2017-18 UD Portraits Platinum Blue #P-35 (/5)
2017-18 UD Artifacts Black Auto #9 (/5)
2017-18 UD Compendium Gold #52
2017-18 UD MVP Gold Script #93 (/100)
2017-18 UD MVP Puzzle Back #93
2017-18 UD Overtime #10
2017-18 UD Overtime Blue #10
2017-18 UD Overtime Red #10 (/99)
2017-18 UD Premier Mega Patch Sleeve Numbers #PMP-SA (/4)
2017-18 UD Premier Premier Swatches #PS-SA (/99)
2017-18 UD The Cup Black Foil Auto #15 (1/1)
2017-18 UD The Cup Red Foil Auto Tag #15 (/4)
2017-18 UD The Cup Foundations Patch Tag Auto #F-SA (1/1)
2017-18 UD The Cup Foundations Jersey Tag Auto #F-SA (1/1)
2017-18 UD The Cup Limited Logos #LL-SA (/50)
2017-18 UD The Cup Notable Nameplates #NN-SA (1/3) (Letter A)
2018-19 OPC Silver Border #116
2018-19 OPC Gold Border Glossy #116
2018-19 OPC Red Border #116
2018-19 OPC Mini Back Variation #M-16 (/27)
2018-19 OPC Coast to Coast Auto #15
2018-19 OPC Platinum Orange Checkers #42 (/25)
2018-19 OPC Platinum Emerald Surge #42 (/10)
2018-19 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #42 (1/1)
2018-19 OPC Platinum The Future is Now Mosaic #FN-7
2018-19 OPC Platinum The Future is Here Rainbow Auto #FN-7 (inserted into 19-20 OPCP)
2018-19 SP Game Used Green Storm #81 (1/1)
2018-19 SP Game Used Auto 1/1 #81 (1/1)
2018-19 UD Gold Rainbow Foil (ePack) #35
2018-19 UD High Gloss #35 (/10)
2018-19 UD Fanimation #F-2
2018-19 UD 25 Under 25 Patch #U25-19 (/10)
2018-19 UD Artifacts #121 (/699)
2018-19 UD Artifacts Emerald #121 (/99)
2018-19 UD Artifacts Aqua #121 (/45)
2018-19 UD Artifacts Black Auto #121 (/5)
2018-19 UD Artifacts Auto Materials Purple #121 (/5)
2018-19 UD Artifacts Auto Materials Black #121 (1/1)
2018-19 UD Artifacts Aurum #A-20
2018-19 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics #BDB-SA (/5)
2018-19 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Pure Black #BDB-SA (1/1)
2018-19 UD Black Diamond Relics #BDB-SA (/149)
2018-19 UD Black Diamond Relics Pure Black premium #BDB-SA (/50)
2018-19 UD Clear Cut High Gloss Auto #CC-SA (/10) (inserted into 19-20CC)
2018-19 UD Clear Cut One-of-One Aces Auto #CC-SA (1/1) (inserted into 19-20CC)
2018-19 UD Clear Cut Embedded Endorsements Orange #EE-SA (/3) (inserted into 19-20CC)
2018-19 UD Compendium Blue #257
2018-19 UD Compendium Gold #257
2018-19 UD Compendium Gold #509
2018-19 UD Engrained Synthesis #S-21
2018-19 UD Ice Black #20 (1/1)
2018-19 UD MVP Puzzle Back #44
2018-19 UD MVP Gold Script #44
2018-19 UD Parkhurst Silver #149
2018-19 UD Parkhurst Gold (ePack) #149
2018-19 UD Premier Jersey Parallel #35
2018-19 UD Premier Fight Strap Parallel #35 (/5)
2018-19 UD Premier Neckline Parallel #35 (/3)
2018-19 UD Premier Silver Spectrum Auto #35 (/3) (inserted in 19-20Prem)
2018-19 UD Premier Inked Script #IS-SA (/99) (inserted in 19-20Prem)
2018-19 UD Synergy #4
2018-19 UD The Cup Red Foil Auto Tag #11 (/2)
2018-19 UD Ultimate Shield Auto #32 (1/1) (inserted into 19-20Ult)
2019-20 OPC Blue Border #207
2019-20 OPC Gold Border Glossy #207
2019-20 OPC Red Border #207
2019-20 OPC Retro #207
2019-20 OPC Caramel Minis Caramel Border #C-19
2019-20 OPC Caramel Minis Wood Border #C-19
2019-20 OPC Platinum #134
2019-20 OPC Platinum All-Star Parallel #134
2019-20 OPC Platinum Red Prism #134 (/199)
2019-20 OPC Platinum Arctic Freeze #134 (/99)
2019-20 OPC Platinum Seismic Gold #134 (/50)
2019-20 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #134 (1/1)
2019-20 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow Green Houndstooth #R-11 (/15)
2019-20 OPC Platinum Retro Golden Treasures #R-11 (1/1)
2019-20 SP Authentic Limited Black #76
2019-20 SP Authentic Sign of the Times #SOTT-SA (inserted in 20-21SPA)
2019-20 SP Game Used #66 (/20)
2019-20 SP Game Used Uniform Numbered Auto #66 (1/1)
2019-20 SP Game Used Black Rainbow #66 (/5)
2019-20 SP Game Used Green Snow Storm #66 (1/1)
2019-20 SP Game Used Gold Jersey #66
2019-20 SP Game Used 2019 NHL All-Star Skills Fabric Tag Parallel #AS-SA (/2)
2019-20 SP Game Used Tonight's Lineup #TL-CAR (1/1)
2019-20 SPx Logo Material Auto #26 (1/1)
2019-20 SPx Finite Die-Cut #F-26 (/5)
2019-20 SPx Superscripts #SS-SA
2019-20 UD Clear Cut #304
2019-20 UD Clear Cut Exclusives #304
2019-20 UD 30th Anniversary (16-17 UD) #210 (1/1)
2019-20 UD 30th Anniversary (17-18 UD) #36 (1/1)
2019-20 UD 30th Anniversary (18-19 UD) #35 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Portraits Platinum Blue Foil #P-24 (/5)
2019-20 UD Allure Pewter #4
2019-20 UD Allure Golden Treasure Auto #4 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Allure Purple Diamond Auto Patch #4 (/10)
2019-20 UD Allure GoldenTreasure Auto Tag #4 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Allure Iced Out Golden Treasure Auto #IO-SA (1/1)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Copper #114 (/299)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Emerald #114 (/99)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Purple #114 (/20)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Material Purple Dual Patch #114 (/8)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Material Black Dual Patch #114 (/3)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Horizontal Auto Material Gold Jersey/Jersey #114 (/25)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Horizontal Material Emerald Jersey/Patch #114 (/5)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Horizontal Material Purple Dual Patch #114 (/3)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Horizontal Material Black Patch/Tag #114 (/2)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Auto Material Purple Patch/Patch #114 (/5)
2019-20 UD Artifacts Auto Material Black Patch/Patch #114 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Black Diamond #BDB-SA (/249)
2019-20 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Double #BDB-SA (/5)
2019-20 UD Black Diamond Pure Black Diamond Relics #BDB-SA (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks #2 (/199)
2019-20 UD Buybacks Purple #2 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 OPC Platinum) #173 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 OPC Platinum Rainbow) #173 (/2)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow) #R-82 (/2)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 SP Authentic Silver Skates) #SS-SA (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 SP Game Used Rainbow) #136 (/3)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 UD Trilogy Green Rookie Jersey) #59 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 UD Young Guns) #210 (/20)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 UD Young Guns Clear Cut) #210 (/2)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 UD Canvas) #C96 (/25)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 UD Portraits Gold Foil) #P-101 (/3)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (16-17 UD Portraits Platinum Blue Foil) #P-101 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (17-18 OPC Platinum Red Prism) #28 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (17-18 OPC Platinum Violet Pixels) #28 (/2)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (17-18 UD Instant Impressions) #II-13 (/2)
2019-20 UD Buybacks (17-18 UD Fanimation) #F-2 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Chronology Metallic Blue #148 (/122)
2019-20 UD Chronology Diamond Relics #148 (/36)
2019-20 UD Chronology Time Capsules Canvas Mini #M-304 (/60)
2019-20 UD Ice Red #13 (/5)
2019-20 UD Ice Black #13 (1/1)
2019-20 UD MVP Gold Script #33
2019-20 UD MVP Super Script Black #33 (/5)
2019-20 UD MVP Stanley Cup 20th Ann Colors and Contours Purp #33 (/9)
2019-20 UD Parkhurst Silver #82
2019-20 UD Parkhurst Gold #82
2019-20 UD Parkhurst Parkies Red Autographs #PK-16 (/20)
2019-20 UD Premier #47 (/299)
2019-20 UD Premier Silver Spectrum Auto #47 (inserted into 20-21Prem)
2019-20 UD Premier Platinum Blue Auto #47 (/3) (inserted into 20-21Prem)
2019-20 UD Premier Fight Strap parallel #47 (/5)
2019-20 UD Stature Green #19 (/149)
2019-20 UD Stature Portrait Variant Purple #19 (1/1)
2019-20 UD Trilogy Signature Pucks Team Logo #SP-SA (/20) (inserted in 20-21Trilogy)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Onyx Black Parallel #21 (/10)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Auto #21 (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Onyx Black Auto #21 (1/1) (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Auto Shield Parallel #21 (1/1) (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2019-20 UD Ultimate All-Star Skills Auto Shield #SSA-SA (1/1) (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Pro Threads Auto Patch #PS-SA (/49) (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Ultimate Signatures #US-SA (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2019-20 UD Ultimate Ultimate Material Signatures #UMS-SA (/99) (inserted into 20-21Ult)
2020-21 OPC Blue Border #69
2020-21 OPC Red Border #69
2020-21 OPC Red Border Blank Back #69 (1/1)
2020-21 OPC Retro Blank Back #69
2020-21 OPC Retro Black Border #69 (/100)
2020-21 OPC OPC Premier Tallboys Yellow Border #P-16
2020-21 OPC OPC Premier Tallboys Red Border #P-16
2020-21 OPC Platinum #105
2020-21 OPC Platinum Red Surge #105 (Target blasters)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Neon Yellow Surge #105 (blasters)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Violet Pixels #105 (/399)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Yellow Traxx #105 (/249)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Red Prism #105 (/199)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Arctic Freeze #105 (/99)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Seismic Gold #105 (/50)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Orange Checkers #105 (/25)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Emerald Surge #105 (/10)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #105 (1/1)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Retro Pink Pulsar #R-17
2020-21 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow Purple Houndstooth #R-17 (/15)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Retro Golden Treasures #R-17 (1/1)
2020-21 OPC Platinum Photo Driven Mosaic #PD-12
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe Blue Spectrum #20
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe Purple Spectrum #20 (/199)
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Gold #20 (1/1)
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe 1997-98 Retro Purple Spectrum #R-22 (/199)
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe 1997-98 Retro Precious Metal Gems Green #R-22 (/10)
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe 1997-98 Retro Precious Metal Gems Gold #R-22 (1/1)
2020-21 Skybox Metal Universe Net Deposits Gold #ND-9 (/25)
2020-21 SP #29
2020-21 SP Blue #29
2020-21 SP Authentic #29
2020-21 SP Authentic Limited Red #29
2020-21 SP Authentic 2000-01 Retro #R29
2020-21 SP Authentic 2000-01 Retro Red Spectrum #R29 (/100)
2020-21 SP Authentic Spectrum FX #S-14
2020-21 SP Authentic Limited Auto Material #LAM-SA (/50) (inserted into 22-23SPA)
2020-21 SP Game Used Uniform Numbered Auto Parallel #32 (1/1)
2020-21 SP Game Used Purple Auto Jersey #32 (/10)
2020-21 SP Game Used Green Auto Patch #32 (/5)
2020-21 SP Game Used Draft Day Marks #DDM-SA (/10) (Letter A)
2020-21 SP Game Used Draft Day Marks #DDM-SA (/10) (Letter H)
2020-21 SP Game Used Draft Day Marks #DDM-SA (/10) (Letter O)
2020-21 SPx Finite Die-cut Achievements #F-39 (1/1) (ePack)
2020-21 UD Clear Cut Exclusives #283
2020-21 UD Exclusives #283 (/100)
2020-21 UD High Gloss #283 (/10)
2020-21 UD Patch #GJ-SA (/15)
2020-21 UD Portraits Blue #P-34 (/5)
2020-21 UD Allure Yellow Taxi #56 (1:mass blaster)
2020-21 UD Allure Leopard #56 (1:Target blaster)
2020-21 UD Allure Red Rainbow Jersey #56
2020-21 UD Allure Steel #56
2020-21 UD Allure Pink Leopard #56
2020-21 UD Allure Magenta #56
2020-21 UD Allure Blue China #56
2020-21 UD Allure White Diamond #56 (/50)
2020-21 UD Allure Blue Line #56 (/35)
2020-21 UD Allure 1945 Shield #56 (/45)
2020-21 UD Allure 1917 Shield #56 (/17)
2020-21 UD Allure Purple Diamond #56 (/10)
2020-21 UD Allure Golden Treasures #56 (1/1)
2020-21 UD Allure City Celly Red #CC-2
2020-21 UD Artifacts #108 (/499)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Emerald #108 (/99)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Autumn #108 (/75)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Black #108 (/5)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Material Orange #108 (/10)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Horizontal Material Purple #108 (/4)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Auto Material Gold #108 (/45)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Auto Material Orange #108 (/10)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Auto Material Purple #108 (/5)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Auto Material Black #108 (1/1)
2020-21 UD Artifacts Aurum #A-29
2020-21 UD Black Pride of a Nation Auto Patch #PNA-SA (/25) (inserted into 22-23SPx)
2020-21 UD Black Pride of a Nation Auto Patch Spectrum #PNA-SA (1/1) (inserted into 22-23SPx)
2020-21 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Double #BDB-SA (/5)
2020-21 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Double Pure Black #BDB-SA (1/1)
2020-21 UD Clear Cut Exclusives Parallel #CC-SA (/35) (inserted into 22-23CC)
2020-21 UD Clear Cut High Gloss Parallel #CC-SA (/10) (inserted into 22-23CC)
2020-21 UD Clear Cut One-of-One Aces Parallel #CC-SA (1/1) (inserted into 22-23CC)
2020-21 UD Clear Cut Champs Green Parallel #C-SA (/25) (inserted into 22-23CC)
2020-21 UD Clear Cut NHL Memoirs Gold Parallel #M-SA (1/1) (inserted into 22-23CC)
2020-21 UD Extended 05-06 Upper Deck Tribute High Gloss #T-14 (/10)
2020-21 UD Extended Triple Dimensions Reflections Gold #9 (/50)
2020-21 UD MVP Gold Script #161
2020-21 UD MVP Colors and Contours Green #31 (/20)
2020-21 UD MVP Colors and Contours Purple #31 (/3)
2020-21 UD Overtime Center of Excellence Auto #CE-5 (/3)
2020-21 UD Parkhurst Silver Border #38
2020-21 UD Parkhurst Gold Border #38
2020-21 UD Parkhurst Gold Foil (ePack) #38
2020-21 UD Stature #52
2020-21 UD Stature Green #52 (/175)
2020-21 UD Stature Blue #52 (/45)
2020-21 UD Stature Black #52 (/20)
2020-21 UD Stature Portrait Variant #52 (/99)
2020-21 UD Stature Portrait Variant Red #52 (/25)
2020-21 UD Stature Portrait Variant Purple #52 (1/1)
2020-21 UD Stature Portrait Variant Auto Patch Red #52 (/3) (inserted in 21-22Stature)
2020-21 UD Stature Portrait Variant Auto Patch Purple #52 (1/1) (inserted in 21-22Stature)
2020-21 UD Synergy Cast for Greatness Purple #CG-15
2020-21 UD Synergy Synergy FX Gold Auto #FX-20 (1/1)
2020-21 UD The Cup #30 (/249)
2020-21 UD The Cup Signature Materials #SP-SA (/25) (inserted into 21-22Cup)
2020-21 UD Trilogy #7
2020-21 UD Trilogy Blue Foil Patch Auto #7 (/25)
2020-21 UD Trilogy Purple Foil Auto #7 (1/1)
2020-21 UD Ultimate #66 (/149)
2020-21 UD Ultimate Gold #66 (/35)
2020-21 UD Ultimate Onyx Black #66 (/5)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Rainbow Foil #141
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Speckled Rainbow Foil #141
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Gold Speckled Rainbow Foil #141
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Silver Foil #141
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Blue Foil #141 (/399)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Red Foil #141 (/91)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Green Foil #141 (/25)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Gold Spectrum Foil #141 (1/1)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Exclamation Points #EP-6
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Exclamation Points Gold #EP-6
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions #M-21
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions Gold #M-21 (/200)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions Platinum #M-21 (/100)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions Ruby #M-21 (/50)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions Sapphire #M-21 (/25)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions Emerald #M-21 (/10)
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Medallions Titian Achievement #M-21
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Meteor Shower #ST-46
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Pucks #17
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Scoring Kings #SK-5
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Seeing Double #DT-18
2021-22 Fleer Ultra Ultra Team #UT-20
2021-22 OPC #12
2021-22 OPC Red Border #12
2021-22 OPC Head shot variation #12
2021-22 OPC Post-Game Image Variations #12
2021-22 OPC Retro #12
2021-22 OPC Retro Black Border #12 (/100)
2021-22 OPC OPC Premier Tallboys Patterned Foil #P-11
2021-22 OPC Playing Cards #8-CLUBS
2021-22 OPC Platinum #12
2021-22 OPC Platinum Rainbow #12
2021-22 OPC Platinum Sunset #12
2021-22 OPC Platinum Matte Pink #12
2021-22 OPC Platinum Blue Surge #12 (Wal-Mart)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Red Surge #12 (Target)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Neon Yellow Surge #12 (Mass blaster)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Hot Magma #12 (/499)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Violet Pixels #12 (/299)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Red Prism #12 (/199)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Arctic Freeze #12 (/99)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Cosmic #12 (/65)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Seismic Gold #12 (/50)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Orange Checkers #12 (/25)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Emerald Surge #12 (/10)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #12 (1/1)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Photo Driven #PD-6
2021-22 OPC Platinum Photo Driven Golden Treasures #PD-6 (1/1)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro #R-24
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow #R-24
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro Red Rainbow Auto #R-24 ( 22-23OPCPlatinum)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro Pink Pulsar #R-24
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow Blue #R-24 (/199)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro Purple Houndstooth #R-24 (/15)
2021-22 OPC Platinum Retro Golden Treasures #R-24 (1/1)
2021-22 OPC Platinum VIP Black Achievement #VIP-11
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe #11
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Purple Spectrum #11 (/199)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Purple Spectrum Alternate Jersey #110 (/199)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Red Alternate Jersey #110 (/90)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Green Alternate Jersey #110 (/10)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Gold Alternate Jersey #110 (1/1)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Amped Up Gold #AU-11 (/11)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Big Man on Ice Gold #BM-13 (/96)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Ice Carvings Spectrum #IC-17 (/25)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Metal-X #MX-12
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Planet Metal Red Achievement #PM-2 (/199)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe Planet Metal Platinum Achievement #PM-2 (/49)
2021-22 SkyBox Metal Universe The Cheddar Gold #TC-14 (/50)
2021-22 SP Authentic #28
2021-22 SP Authentic Limited Red #28
2021-22 SP Authentic Limited Gold #28 (/99)
2021-22 SP Authentic Limited Black #28 (1/1)
2021-22 SP Authentic Limited Black Auto #28 (inserted into 22-23 SPA)
2021-22 SP Authentic Die-Cuts #DC-6
2021-22 SP Authentic Die-Cuts Blue #DC-6
2021-22 SP Authentic Die-Cuts Green #DC-6
2021-22 SP Authentic Pageantry #P-2
2021-22 SP Authentic Pageantry Auto Black #P-2 (1/1) (inserted into 22-23 SPA)
2021-22 SP Authentic SP HoloFoil #HF-10
2021-22 SP Authentic Spectrum FX #S-3
2021-22 SP Game Used #17 (/20)
2021-22 SP Game Used Uniform Numbered Auto #17 (1/1)
2021-22 SP Game Used Red Fragment #17 (/205)
2021-22 SP Game Used Purple Fragment #17 (/5)
2021-22 SP Game Used Green Fragment #17 (1/1)
2021-22 SP Game Used Red Jersey #17
2021-22 SP Game Used Green Auto Tag #17 (1/1)
2021-22 SP Game Used 2021 Eastern Conf Banner Year Relics #BYE-SA
2021-22 SP Game Used 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs Banner Year Relic #BYSC-SA
2021-22 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics #AF-SA
2021-22 SP Game Used Frameworks #F-SA
2021-22 SP Game Used Inked Sweaters Patch #IS-SA (/15)
2021-22 SP Game Used Inked Sweaters Tag #IS-SA (1/1)
2021-22 SP Game Used Purity #P-35
2021-22 SP Game Used Purity Gold #P-35 (/150)
2021-22 SP Game Used Tonight's Lineup Nameplate #TL-CAR (1/1)
2021-22 SPx #20 (/299)
2021-22 SPx Jersey #20
2021-22 SPx Extravagant Materials #EM-SA
2021-22 SPx Extravagant Materials Auto #EM-SA (/50)
2021-22 SPx Extravagant Materials Premium #EM-SA (/15)
2021-22 SPx Extravagant Materials Premium Auto #EM-SA (/25)
2021-22 SPx Jersey #J-SA
2021-22 SPx Jersey Gold Spectrum #J-SA (/65)
2021-22 SPx Patch #J-SA (/25)
2021-22 SPx Superscripts #SS-SA
2021-22 SPx Superscripts Gold #SS-SA (/25)
2021-22 SPx Winning Materials #WM-SA
2021-22 SPx Winning Materials Auto #WM-SA (/99)
2021-22 SPx Winning Materials Auto Premium #WM-SA (/25)
2021-22 UD #32
2021-22 UD Exclusives #32 (/100)
2021-22 UD High Gloss #32 (/10)
2021-22 UD Clear Cut #32
2021-22 UD Dazzlers Purple #DZ-9
2021-22 UD Honor Roll #HR-29
2021-22 UD Honor Roll Red Rainbow #HR-29
2021-22 UD Honor Roll Green Rainbow #HR-29 (ePack)
2021-22 UD Patch #GJ-SA (/15)
2021-22 UD Allure #11
2021-22 UD Allure Black Rainbow #11
2021-22 UD Allure Orange Slice Die-Cut #11
2021-22 UD Allure Red Rainbow #11
2021-22 UD Allure Blue Leopard #11
2021-22 UD Allure Steel #11
2021-22 UD Allure Number Parallel #11 (/199)
2021-22 UD Allure Green Rainbow Die-Cut #11 (/99)
2021-22 UD Allure Blue Line #11 (/35)
2021-22 UD Allure Purple Diamond #11 (/10)
2021-22 UD Allure Golden Treasures #11 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Allure Red Rainbow Auto #11
2021-22 UD Allure Blue Line Auto #11 (/35)
2021-22 UD Allure Blue Line Auto Jersey #11 (/25)
2021-22 UD Allure Golden Treasures Auto #11 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Artifacts #125 (/599)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Neon Green #125 (Target blasters)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Turquoise #125 (Wal-Mart blasters)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Ruby #125 (/499)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Silver Spectrum #125 (/299)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Royal Blue #125 (/199)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Emerald #125 (/99)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Light Blue Steel #125 (/85)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Autumn (Orange?) #125 (/75)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Rose #125 (/65)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Yellow #125 (/50)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Purple #125 (/25)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Indigo #125 (/10)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Black #125 (/5)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Material Gold #125 (/199)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Material Orange #125 (/10)
2021-22 UD Artifacts Material Black #125 (/3)
2021-22 UD Artifacts NHL Remnants #NR-SA
2021-22 UD Black Diamond #BDB-SA (/349)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Pure Black #BDB-SA (/50)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Premium Relics #BDB-SA (/25)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Double #BDB-SA (/5)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Double Pure Black #BDB-SA (1/1)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Diamonation #D-SA (/99)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Diamond Stars #BDS-SA (/249)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Diamond Stars Purple Diamond Relic Auto #BDS-SA (/10)
2021-22 UD Black Diamond Diamond Stars Pure Black Diamond Relic Auto #BDS-SA (1/1)
2021-22 UD Credentials #38
2021-22 UD Credentials Teal #38 (/399)
2021-22 UD Credentials Yellow #38 (/299)
2021-22 UD Credentials Indigo #38 (/249)
2021-22 UD Credentials Red #38 (/199)
2021-22 UD Credentials Orange #38 (/149)
2021-22 UD Credentials Blue #38 (/99)
2021-22 UD Credentials Neon Green #38 (/75)
2021-22 UD Credentials Pink #38 (/49)
2021-22 UD Credentials Green #38 (/25)
2021-22 UD Credentials Purple #38 (/10)
2021-22 UD Credentials Gold #38 (/5)
2021-22 UD Credentials Black #38 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Credentials Speed of the Game #SG18
2021-22 UD Extended 2006-07 Upper Deck Retro Gold Stockpile #T-13
2021-22 UD Extended 2006-07 Upper Deck Retro Exclusives #T-13 (/100)
2021-22 UD Extended 2006-07 Upper Deck Retro High Gloss #T-13 (/10)
2021-22 UD Extended Black Diamond 2005-06 Retro Ruby #BD-4 (/100)
2021-22 UD Extended Triple Dimensions Reflections Ruby #6 (/500)
2021-22 UD Extended Triple Dimensions Reflections Amethyst #T-13 (/300)
2021-22 UD Extended Triple Dimensions Reflections Emerald #T-13 (/100)
2021-22 UD Extended Triple Dimensions Reflections Gold #T-13 (/50)
2021-22 UD Extended UD3 Gold #UD3-5 (/100)
2021-22 UD Ice #71
2021-22 UD Ice Green #71
2021-22 UD Ice Gold #71
2021-22 UD Ice Orange #71
2021-22 UD Ice Lavender #71
2021-22 UD Ice Ice Blue #71
2021-22 UD Ice Royal Blue #71 (/99)
2021-22 UD Ice Black #71 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Ice Jersey #71
2021-22 UD Ice Gold Patch #71 (/15)
2021-22 UD Ice Frozen in Ice #FI-5
2021-22 UD Ice Frozen in Ice Gold #FI-5 (/25)
2021-22 UD Ice Frozen in Ice Black #FI-5 (/5)
2021-22 UD Ice Sub Zero #SZ-9
2021-22 UD Ice Sub Zero Gold #SZ-9 (/8)
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base #32
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base Green #32
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base Orange #32
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base Lavender #32
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base Ice Blue #32
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base Royal Blue #32 (/99)
2021-22 UD Ice 2020-21 Base Black #32 (1/1)
2021-22 UD MVP Gold Script #44
2021-22 UD MVP Super Script Black #44 (/5)
2021-22 UD MVP Colors and Contours Green #19 (/20)
2021-22 UD MVP Colors and Contours Purple #19 (/3)
2021-22 UD Ovation #12
2021-22 UD Ovation Silver Foil #12
2021-22 UD Ovation Checkerboard #12
2021-22 UD Ovation Gold Circular Wonder #12
2021-22 UD Ovation Gold Foil #12
2021-22 UD Ovation Standing Ovation #12 (/500)
2021-22 UD Ovation Standing Ovation Gold Spectrum #12 (/250)
2021-22 UD Ovation Standing Ovation Red #12 (/100)
2021-22 UD Ovation Standing Ovation Black #12 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Ovation Superstar Theater #ST-4
2021-22 UD Ovation UD Glass Stars #GS-10 (/349)
2021-22 UD Ovation UD Glass Stars Gold #GS-10 (/99)
2021-22 UD Ovation UD Glass Stars Red #GS-10 (/25)
2021-22 UD Ovation UD Glass Stars Black #GS-10 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Parkhurst #239
2021-22 UD Parkhurst Silver Border #239
2021-22 UD Parkhurst Gold Border #239
2021-22 UD Parkhurst Emerald Ice #239 (/10) (ePack)
2021-22 UD Parkhurst Emerald Ice Auto #239 (/5) (ePack)
2021-22 UD Premier #35 (/299)
2021-22 UD Premier Gold #35 (/65)
2021-22 UD Premier Platinum #35 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Premier Fight Strap #35 (5/5)
2021-22 UD Premier Gold Auto #35 (/25)
2021-22 UD Premier Platinum Auto #35 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Premier Premier Attractions Jersey #PA-SA (/99)
2021-22 UD Premier Mega Patch Commemorative Logo #PMP-SA (/3)
2021-22 UD Synergy Cast for Greatness #CG-15
2021-22 UD Synergy Cast for Greatness Green #CG-15 (/50) (ePack)
2021-22 UD Synergy Cast for Greatness Gold #CG-15 (/10) (bounty prize)
2021-22 UD Synergy Cast for Greatness Purple #CG-15 (/5?)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms #EP-SA (/899)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms Red #EP-SA (/499)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms Blue #EP-SA (/299)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms Purple #EP-SA (/199)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms Green #EP-SA (/99)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms Pink #EP-SA (/25)
2021-22 UD Synergy Exceptional Phenoms Black #EP-SA (/10)
2021-22 UD Synergy Star of the Show #SOS-8
2021-22 UD Synergy Synergy FX #FX-SA (/749)
2021-22 UD Synergy Synergy FX Orange #FX-SA (/449)
2021-22 UD Synergy Synergy FX Purple #FX-SA (/275)
2021-22 UD Synergy Synergy FX Green #FX-SA (/199)
2021-22 UD Synergy Synergy FX Gold #FX-SA (1/1)
2021-22 UD The Cup #79 (/249)
2021-22 UD The Cup Black Foil #79 (1/1)
2021-22 UD The Cup Green Foil Button #79 (/3)
2021-22 UD The Cup Red Foil Tag #79 (/4)
2021-22 UD Ultimate #57 (/149)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Purple #57 (/15)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Black #57 (/5)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Auto #57
2021-22 UD Ultimate Gold Auto #57 (/15)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Purple Auto #57 (/5)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Black Auto #57 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Jumbo Patch #57 (/3)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Shield #57 (1/1)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Signature Material Laureates #SML-SA (/45)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Ultimate Display Patch #UD-SA (/25)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Ultimate Display Tag #UD-SA (/5)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Ultimate Display Auto Patch #UDA-SA (/25)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Ultimate Display Auto Tag #UDA-SA (/6)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Ultimate Premium Material #UMS-SA (/35)
2021-22 UD Ultimate Ultimate Shield Patch #US-SA (1/1)
2022-23 OPC #14
2022-23 OPC All-Stars #526
2022-23 OPC Blue Border #14
2022-23 OPC Blue Border All-Stars #526
2022-23 OPC Red Border #14
2022-23 OPC Red Border All-Stars #526
2022-23 OPC Yellow Border #14
2022-23 OPC Yellow Border All-Stars #526
2022-23 OPC Close-Up Photo Variation #14
2022-23 OPC Rainbow All-Stars #526 (/350)
2022-23 OPC Rainbow Black All-Stars #526 (/100)
2022-23 OPC Neon Pink #14 (/75)
2022-23 OPC Neon Pink All-Stars #526 (/75)
2022-23 OPC Rainbow Green All-Stars #526 (/33)
2022-23 OPC Rainbow Gold All-Stars #526 (1/1)
2022-23 OPC Red Border Blank Back #14 (1/1)
2022-23 OPC Red Border Blank Back All-Stars #526 (1/1)
2022-23 OPC Retro #14
2022-23 OPC Retro All-Stars #526
2022-23 OPC Retro Black Border #14 (/100)
2022-23 OPC Retro Black Border All-Stars #526 (/100)
2022-23 OPC Retro Blank Back #14
2022-23 OPC Retro Blank Back All-Stars #526
2022-23 OPC Playing Cards #Q-Diamonds
2022-23 OPC OPC Premier #P-9
2022-23 OPC OPC Premier Rainbow #P-9 (/99)
2022-23 OPC Platinum #14
2022-23 OPC Platinum Rainbow #14
2022-23 OPC Platinum Sunset #14
2022-23 OPC Platinum Matte Pink #14
2022-23 OPC Platinum Neon Yellow Surge #14 (blaster)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Hot Magma #14 (/499)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Liquid Metal #14 (/349)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Violet Pixels #14 (/299)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Red Prism #14 (/199)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Aquamarine #14 (/149)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Arctic Freeze #14 (/99)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Cosmic #14 (/65)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Seismic Gold #14 (/50)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Orange Checkers #14 (/25)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Emerald Surge #14 (/10)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #14 (1/1)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Galvanized #G-7
2022-23 OPC Platinum Galvanized Golden Treasures #G-7 (1/1)
2022-23 OPC Platinum Photo Driven #PD-5
2022-23 OPC Platinum Photo Driven Golden Treasures #PD-5 (1/1)
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions #255
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Silver #255
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Color Variation #255
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Rainbow #255
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Gold #255
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Red #255 (/51)
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Black #255 (/10)
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Jersey #255
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Jukebox Heroes #JH-11
2022-23 Parkhurst Champions Jukebox Heroes Gold #JH-11
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe #131
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Blue Spectrum FX #131
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Purple Spectrum FX #131 (/199)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Red #131 (/100)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Green #131 (/10)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Gold #131 (1/1)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe All-Starring #AS-31
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe All-Starring Gold #AS-31 (/50)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Aspects #A-7
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Aspects Gold #A-7 (/49)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Bottle Rockets #BR-15
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Bottle Rockets Gold #BR-15 (/35)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Cache #C-26
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Cache Gold #C-26 (/50)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Cache Platinum Blue #C-26 (/15)
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe Metal-X #MX-6
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe The House #TH-10
2022-23 SkyBox Metal Universe The House Gold #TH-10 (/50)
2022-23 SP #20
2022-23 SP Blue #20
2022-23 SP Authentic #20
2022-23 SP Authentic Limited Red #20
2022-23 SP Authentic Limited Gold #20 (/99)
2022-23 SP Authentic Limited Black #20 (1/1)
2022-23 SP Authentic Limited Auto Material Patch #20 (/50)
2022-23 SP Game Used Red #39 (/225)
2022-23 SP Game Used Gold #39 (/115)
2022-23 SP Game Used Red Jersey #39
2022-23 SP Game Used Gold Premium Patch #39 (/10)
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Jersey #AS-13
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Tag #AS-13 (/2)
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Jersey-Banner #ASJB-SA
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Fight Strap Relics #ASFS-SA (/2)
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Logo Patch Relics #ASLP-SA (1/1)
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Net Cord Relics #ASN-SA (/35)
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Net Cord Relics Gold #ASN-SA (/5)
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Puck Relics #ASP-SA
2022-23 SP Game Used 2022 NHL All-Star Game Rink Glass Relics #ASG-SA (/25)
2022-23 SP Game Used Retro Renovations Jersey #RR-SA
2022-23 SP Game Used Retro Renovations Patch #RR-SA (/15)
2022-23 SPx #84 (/299)
2022-23 SPx Colored HoloFoil #84 (/149)
2022-23 SPx Radiance #84 (/100)
2022-23 SPx Grand Finale #84 (/50)
2022-23 SPx NHL Shield Die-Cut Hologram #84 (/25)
2022-23 SPx Auto Premium Memorabilia #84 (1/1)
2022-23 SPx Radiance FX #RFX-26 (/549)
2022-23 SPx Radiance FX Blue #RFX-26 (/399)
2022-23 SPx Radiance FX Red #RFX-26 (/249)
2022-23 SPx Radiance FX Gold #RFX-26 (/99)
2022-23 SPx Radiance FX Green #RFX-26 (/10)
2022-23 UD French #285
2022-23 UD Clear Cut #285
2022-23 UD Silver Foil #285 (ePack)
2022-23 UD Speckled Rainbow Foil #285 (ePack)
2022-23 UD Exclusives #285 (/100)
2022-23 UD High Gloss #285 (/10)
2022-23 UD Attacking Zone #AZ-13
2022-23 UD Canvas #C136
2022-23 UD Centre of Attention #CA-16
2022-23 UD Centre of Attention Gold #CA-16
2022-23 UD Freestyles #FS-39
2022-23 UD Freestyles Blue #FS-39
2022-23 UD Freestyles Red #FS-39
2022-23 UD Freestyles Gold #FS-39
2022-23 UD Honor Roll #HR-37
2022-23 UD Honor Roll Red #HR-37
2022-23 UD Honor Roll Rainbow #HR-37 (/250)
2022-23 UD Honor Roll Gold Rainbow #HR-37 (/25)
2022-23 UD Instant Impressions #PZ-14
2022-23 UD Lunchbox Legends #LB-18
2022-23 UD Lunchbox Legends Gold #LB-18
2022-23 UD UD Portraits #P-28
2022-23 UD UD Portraits Gold #P-28 (/99)
2022-23 UD Allure #33
2022-23 UD Allure Black Rainbow #33
2022-23 UD Allure Red Rainbow #33
2022-23 UD Allure White Diamond #33
2022-23 UD Allure Orange Slice Die-Cut #33
2022-23 UD Allure Gold Glitter Bomb #33 (/199)
2022-23 UD Allure Steel #33
2022-23 UD Allure Pink Leopard #33
2022-23 UD Allure Green Rainbow Die-Cut #33 (/99)
2022-23 UD Allure Blue Line #33 (/35)
2022-23 UD Allure Purple Diamond Die-Cut #33 (/10)
2022-23 UD Allure Golden Treasures #33 (1/1)
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Orange-Yellow #SF-1
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Yellow-Green #SF-1
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Green-Blue #SF-1
2022-23 UD Allure Color Blue Blue-Purple #SF-1
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Golden Treasures #SF-1 (1/1)
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Red-Orange Spectrum #SF-1 (/100)
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Orange-Yellow Spectrum #SF-1 (/85)
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Yellow-Green Spectrum #SF-1 (/65)
2022-23 UD Allure Color Flow Green-Blue Spectrum #SF-1 (/50)
2022-23 UD Artifacts 2005-06 Clear Cut Retro Rookies #CCRR-22
2022-23 UD Artifacts Aurum Signatures Green #AS-SA (1/1)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond #BDB-AH (/349)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Red #BDB-AH (/75)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Blue #BDB-AH (/25)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Green #BDB-AH (/10)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Gold #BDB-AH (1/1)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Pure Black Premium Relics #BDB-AH (/10)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Diamond Relics Double #BDB-AH (/5)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Pure Black Diamond Relics Double #BDB-AH (1/1)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Band of Color #BC-SA (/22)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Diamond Stars #BDS-SA (/299)
2022-23 UD Black Diamond Diamond Stars Purple #BDS-SA (/49)
2022-23 UD Credentials #15
2022-23 UD Credentials Yellow #
2022-23 UD Credentials Red # (/299)
2022-23 UD Credentials Orange # (/149)
2022-23 UD Credentials Blue # (/99)
2022-23 UD Credentials Neon Green # (/75)
2022-23 UD Credentials Pink # (/49)
2022-23 UD Credentials Green # (/25)
2022-23 UD Credentials Purple # (/10)
2022-23 UD Credentials Gold # (/5)
2022-23 UD Credentials Black # (1/1)
2022-23 UD Extended #677
2022-23 UD Extended French #677
2022-23 UD Extended Clear Cut #677
2022-23 UD Extended Silver Foil #677
2022-23 UD Extended Speckled Rainbow Foil #677
2022-23 UD Extended Exclusives #677 (/100)
2022-23 UD Extended 2007-08 Retro #T-13
2022-23 UD Extended 2007-08 Retro Exclusives #T-13 (/100)
2022-23 UD Extended 2007-08 Retro High Gloss #T-13 (/10)
2022-23 UD Extended Dazzlers Blue #DZ-106
2022-23 UD Extended Dazzlers Green #DZ-106
2022-23 UD Extended Dazzlers Orange #DZ-106
2022-23 UD Extended Dazzlers Pink #DZ-106
2022-23 UD Game Dated Moments #85
2022-23 UD Game Dated Moments Gold #85
2022-23 UD Ice #36
2022-23 UD Ice Green #36
2022-23 UD Ice Gold #36
2022-23 UD Ice Orange #36
2022-23 UD Ice Purple #36
2022-23 UD Ice Greyscale #36 (/99)
2022-23 UD Ice Ice Blue #36
2022-23 UD Ice Black #36 (1/1)
2022-23 UD Ice Jersey Parallel #36
2022-23 UD MVP #42
2022-23 UD MVP Gold Script #42
2022-23 UD MVP Super Script #42 (/25)
2022-23 UD MVP Super Script Black #42 (/5)
2022-23 UD MVP Colors and Contours #42 (/250)
2022-23 UD MVP Colors and Contours Green #42 (/20)
2022-23 UD MVP Colors and Contours Purple #42 (/3)
2022-23 UD Parkhurst #266
2022-23 UD Parkhurst Bronze Border #266
2022-23 UD Parkhurst Gold Foil #266
2022-23 UD Parkhurst Emerald Ice #266 (/10) (achievement)
2022-23 UD Parkhurst Sizzling Shots #SS-3
2022-23 UD Parkhurst Sizzling Shots Red #SS-3
2022-23 UD Synergy #57 (/13)
2022-23 UD Synergy Red #57
2022-23 UD Synergy Red Codes #57
2022-23 UD Synergy Gold #57 (/25)
2022-23 UD Synergy Star of the Show #SOS-18
2022-23 UD Synergy Star Quest #SQ-11
2022-23 UD Synergy Light Up the Night #LN-SA (/899)
2022-23 UD Synergy Light Up the Night Neon Yellow #LN-SA (/699)
2022-23 UD Synergy Light Up the Night Blue #LN-SA (/399)
2022-23 UD Synergy Light Up the Night Pink #LN-SA (/75)
2022-23 UD Trilogy #73
2022-23 UD Trilogy Red #73 (/149)
2022-23 UD Trilogy Blue #73 (/25)
2022-23 UD Trilogy Orange Foil Jersey #73
2022-23 UD Trilogy Generations #TG-6B
2022-23 UD Trilogy Generations Red #TG-6B (/799)
2022-23 UD Trilogy Generations Blue #TG-6B (/299)
2022-23 UD Trilogy Generations Green #TG-6B (/75)
2022-23 UD Trilogy Generations Pink #TG-6B (/10)
2022-23 UD Trilogy Generations Jersey #TG-6B (/99)
2023-24 OPC #3
2023-24 OPC Blue Border #3
2023-24 OPC Purple Border #3 (/49)
2023-24 OPC Red Border #3
2023-24 OPC Red Border Blank Back #3 (1/1)
2023-24 OPC Yellow Border #3
2023-24 OPC Retro #3
2023-24 OPC Retro Blank Back #3
2023-24 OPC Retro Black Border #3 (/100)
2023-24 OPC OPC Premier #P-8
2023-24 OPC OPC Premier Diamond Rainbow #P-8 (/75)
2023-24 OPC Playing Cards #9-CLUBS
2023-24 OPC Platinum #92
2023-24 OPC Platinum Rainbow #92
2023-24 OPC Platinum Subset #92
2023-24 OPC Platinum Matte Pink #92
2023-24 OPC Platinum Neon Yellow Surge #92 (blaster)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Liquid Metal #92 (/399)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Violet Pixels #92 (/299)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Red Prism #92 (/199)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Blue Fragments #92 (/125)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Arctic Freeze #92 (/99)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Cosmic #92 (/65)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Seismic Gold #92 (/50)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Orange Checkers #92 (/25)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Emerald Surge #92 (/10)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Bioluminescence #92 (/5)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Golden Treasures #92 (1/1)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Retro #R-22
2023-24 OPC Platinum Retro Rainbow #R-22
2023-24 OPC Platinum Retro Pink Pulsar #R-22
2023-24 OPC Platinum Retro Blue Pulsar #R-22 (/100)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Retro Purple Houndstooth #R-22 (/15)
2023-24 OPC Platinum Retro Golden Treasures #R-22 (1/1)
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe #117
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Blue Spectrum #117
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Purple Spectrum FX #117 (/199)
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Red #117 (/100)
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Precious Metal Gems Gold #117 (1/1)
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Metal-X #MX-10
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Palladium #P-11
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Palladium Spectrum #P-11 (/25)
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Quick Strike #QS-14
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Quick Strike Spectrum #QS-14 (/25)
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Z-Force #2
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Z-Force Rave #2
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Z-Force Super Rave #2
2023-24 SkyBox Metal Universe Z-Force Universe Rave #2
2023-24 SP Game Used 2023 Stadium Series Fabrics #STS-1
2023-24 SP Game Used 2023 Stadium Series Fabrics #STS-1 (/35)
2023-24 SP Game Used 2023 Stadium Series Fabrics #STS-1 (/3)
2023-24 SP Game Used 2023 Stadium Series Fabrics #SSLP-SA (1/1)
2023-24 SP Game Used 2023 Stadium Series Fabrics #SSP-SA
2023-24 SP Game Used 2023 Stadium Series Fabrics #BYSS-SA
2023-24 UD Clear Cut #30
2023-24 UD Swagnificent #30
2023-24 UD Deluxe #30 (/250)
2023-24 UD Exclusives #30 (/100)
2023-24 UD High Gloss #30 (/10)
2023-24 UD Outburst Silver #30
2023-24 UD Outburst Red #30 (/25)
2023-24 UD Outburst Gold #30 (1/1)
2023-24 UD 200 x 85 Green #DM-80
2023-24 UD 200 x 85 Red #DM-80 (/99)
2023-24 UD 200 x 85 Black #DM-80 (1/1)
2023-24 UD Canvas Black and White #C135
2023-24 UD Dazzlers Black #DZ-42
2023-24 UD Dazzlers Green #DZ-42 (retail)
2023-24 UD Dazlers Orange #DZ-42
2023-24 UD Dazzlers Pink #DZ-42
2023-24 UD Dazzlers Red #DZ-42
2023-24 UD Forte #F-6
2023-24 UD Forte Green Die-Cut #F-6
2023-24 UD Special Edition Red #SE-11
2023-24 UD Special Edition Gold #SE-11 (/50)
2023-24 UD Allure #38
2023-24 UD Allure Black Rainbow #38
2023-24 UD Allure Yellow Taxi #38 (blaster)
2023-24 UD Allure Confetti #38 (blaster)
2023-24 UD Allure Red Rainbow #38
2023-24 UD Allure Orange Slice #38
2023-24 UD Allure Pink Lemonade #38
2023-24 UD Allure Hypnosis #38
2023-24 UD Allure Gold Glitter Bomb #38 (/199)
2023-24 UD Allure Blue Line #38 (/35)
2023-24 UD Allure Golden Treasures #38 (1/1)
2023-24 UD Artifacts #100
2023-24 UD Artifacts Turquoise #100
2023-24 UD Artifacts Ruby #100 (/499)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Copper #100 (/299)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Royal Blue #100 (/199)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Emerald #100 (/99)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Light Blue Steel #100 (/85)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Autumn #100 (/75)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Polychrome #100 (/65)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Yellow #100 (/50)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Pink #100 (/35)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Purple #100 (/25)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Spectrum Jungle #100 (/15)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Party Time #100 (/10)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Black #100 (/5)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Material Gold Jersey #100 (/249)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Material Emerald Jersey Patch #100 (/65)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Material Purple Dual Patch #100 (/25)
2023-24 UD Artifacts Material Black Patch Tag #100 (/5)
2023-24 UD MVP #121
2023-24 UD MVP Ice Battles #121
2023-24 UD MVP Silver Script #121
2023-24 UD MVP Gold Script #121
2023-24 UD MVP Super Script #121 (/25)
2023-24 UD MVP Super Script Black #121 (/5)
2023-24 UD Tim Hortons #20
2023-24 UD Trilogy #64
2023-24 UD Trilogy Red #64 (/99)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Blue #64 (/49)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Green #64 (/25)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Jersey #64
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations #TG-18B
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations Red #TG-18B (/799)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations Blue #TG-18B (/349)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations Green #TG-18B (/99)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations Pink #TG-18B (/25)
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations Jersey #TG-18B
2023-24 UD Trilogy Generations Patch Purple #TG-18B (1/1)
2024 UD Spring Expo Victory Stars #VS-6
Bill Goldthorpe cards
2005-06 ITG Tough Customers #BG (base card)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Instigator Jerseys Red #I23 (10 made)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN96 ("G", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN97 ("O", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN98 ("L", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN99 ("D", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN100 ("T", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN101 ("H", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN103 ("R", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN104 ("P", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Nameplates #TN105 ("E", 1/1)
2011-12 ITG Enforcers Tough Patches #TP27 (1/1)
2019-20 ITG Used Super Swatch Signatures Purple Spectrum #SSS-BG1 (/9)
2019-20 ITG Used Super Swatch Signatures Magenta Spectrum #SSS-BG1 (/8)
2019-20 ITG Used Super Swatch Signatures Blue Spectrum #SSS-BG1 (/5? or /6?)
2019-20 ITG Used Super Swatch Signatures Silver Spectrum #SSS-BG1 (/2)
2023 President's Choice Tough Guys Enforcers Jersey Red #E-09 (1/1)
2017-18 Leaf Ultimate Pioneers
*doesn't matter if it is the base or any of the various Spectrum versions*
UP-03 Cyclone Taylor
00-01 BAP Memo All-Star Tickets
AST-01, AST-02, AST-03, AST-06, AST-07
98-99 UD3
165 Belfour
Die-cut cards
(/200) - 8 McCauley, 10 Morrison, 11 Jokinen, 13 Phillips, 18 Zyuzin, 22 Morozov, 28 Eriksson
(/1000) - 71 Jokinen, 80 Chara, 93 Forsberg, 105 Belfour, 106 Roy
(/50) - 121 Samsonov, 122 Johnson, 123 Marha, 125 Morris, 126 Storr, 127 Zednik, 128 McCauley, 129 Dome, 132 Luhning, 133 Phillips, 134 Ohlund, 135 Thornton, 136 Cullen, 137 Battaglia, 138 Zyuzin, 139 Mann, 140 Chara, 141 Savard, 142 Morozov, 143 Johnson, 145 Cloutier, 146 Isbister, 147 Sturm, 148 Eriksson, 149 Bulis, 150 Morrison
(/100) - 151 Gretzky, 154 Kariya, 156 Brodeur, 157 Lindros, 158 Bondra, 160 Fleury, 161 Joseph, 162 Fedorov, 164 Palffy, 165 Belfour, 167 Shanahan, 171 Osgood, 172 Tkachuk, 174 Vanbiesbrouck, 175 Bourque, 176 LeClair, 179 Sakic, 180 Yzerman