I never really intended on calling by collection of metal cards a "collection," but here we are. In 2024 I found myself picking up some of these from the Coffin Comics store, home of Lady Death and a few other titles. Over the last few years I had also picked up some metal cards on random Kickstarters. So why not create a gallery? I guess the term "Metallicard" (with the capital M) is more of a Coffin term, as they are usually just called metal cards. I have a lot of gaps in some of these releases, where I never really pursued the ones I was missing. Of course, the OCD in me wishes I had now!
It's also worth noting that these all scan terribly. They are always too dark. So I had to use the same small homemade light box I use for Instagram and take pics with my phone. Because of the phone software, its lens layout, or something, all images look like they are mis-cut. The actual cards are fine.
*I could have probabaly just named this tab "Lady Death," as most are from Lady Death releases. Those are usually the ones I am most interested in. I don't have an affinity for the other current Coffin characters for the most part. The Misc. section below are random ones I picked up, either on eBay or as singles on the Coffin Comics site. I'm sure at least some of them go with some comic title, theme, or Kickstarter, but there is no checklist that exists for any of these.
Goth Day 2024 (Coffin Comics site)
Hellwitch vs. Lady Death: Wargasm (Kickstarter, all matching /199)
Lady Death: Cybernetic Desecration (Kickstarter, 299 unnumbered sets made)
Lady Death: Demonic Omens (Kickstarter, 299 unnumbered sets made)
Lady Death: Necrotic Genesis (Kickstarter, all matching /250)
Lady Death: Superficial Annihilation (Kickstarter, all matching /199)
Ryan Kincaid Artist Celebration 2024 (Coffin Comics site)
SDCC 2024 (Coffin Comics site)
Sensual Summer 2024 (Coffin Comics site)
Shikarii Set 2024 (Coffin Comics site)
Sworn Fest 2024 (Coffin Comics site, random purchases)
Misc. (titles taken from sticker on reverse of each card; ones individually numbered were *probably* from a Kickstarter)
These are all random sets, mostly from small-press sets and Kickstarters. I guess I would be interested in picking up any that I am missing.
Alien Terrodactyl Issue #1 (Kickstarter) *no sticker on backs, so title is best guess; I won a pair of metal cards on eBay, and the seller sent me these instead; no idea how many metal cards there actually are in the campaign
Art of Keith Garvey (Kickstarter) *there are 50 sets each of the regular and naughty versions; not sure about the two stretch goals
Baby Zombie and Candy Part 2 (Kickstarter) *no sticker on backs, so titles were somewhat educated guesses based on Kickstarter notes
Kristy Kringle (Kickstarter) *no stickers on back so titles are best guesses...
Notti & Nyce: Return of the Zombie King (Kickstarter) *no sticker on back; there is a KS that had this same cover, but no pictures of metal cards in the KS campaign itself
Prizmatic Issue 1 (Kickstarter, 50 sets made) *no sticker on back so I took titles from the KS itself
Prizmatic Issue 1 (Unreleased Kickstarter cards, 10 sets made) *Wait, another Prizmatic #1 set? Yep. I reached out the KS creator for the regular set and he told me about this set. They found them and apparently meant to offer them for the KS but did not. He allowed me to purchase the set.